Editorial No 6: Design Phase 2
By: Jon Brunberg | posted: 12/29/2006 1:00:00 AM
When it is now time to sum up 2006, I must conclude that it was a very productive year for the project. At the moment of writing, when new years eve is only a few days away, the last two design commissions for the complex are close to completion. The architect group Servo is in the final stage of designing a proposal for the complex' main memorial, a design that will be quite different, I must say, from most memorials I've seen. In Berlin, the architect group Raumlabor has delivered a first design proposal for a building that will host the memorial's museum, university and a high-security conference facility, and the group has done a tremendous work to structure the intricate relations that characterize this building.
If things go according to plan, the final building complex will be shown to a wider audience in 2007, and I will also make some public presentations of the work this spring. I will return to you with more information about these events soon. Meanwhile, pick up the november/december issue (#12) of the Dutch architecture magazine A10, and read what Clas Sörstedt wrote about the project. The article also features some renderings of the design for the Interfaith Centre that was designed by Testbedstudio.