a memorial for all wars: the Polynational War Memorial

Online War Memorials

Number of names in the online war memorial collection


This is an collection of links to websites from all over the world. They include lists of soldiers and civilians killed or disappeared in war since 1945. The lists was compiled by nation-states, non-state actors, human rights organisations, individuals or interest groups. Some pages weren't created as memorials, strictly speaking, but since every name counts in the struggle for a more peaceful world they've been included in the collection. In many cases they're the only available online resource for that particular war. You can read more about the Online Memorial Collection and the criteria for inclusion here.

The Online Memorial Collection contains 108 records, covering 59 wars, which in total displays the names of 578,713 people (combatants and civilians) that were killed in war since 1945 [1]. This is a mere 4.4% of the total number of killed for the period which, according to our sources, should be around 13,100,756 people.

Please, stop for a moment before you enter. You may find it offensive to find your adversaries displayed alongside your mates or relatives. You may find it offensive to find military web sites alongside such hosted by peace movements or human rights organisations. We ask you to put those feelings behind for the time being and show respect to all those who are commemorated here and their families.


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[1] Why are only wars after 1945 included in the online memorial collection? Read more in the FAQ.