Thai Govt vs CPT
Battle deaths: 3,425 [1]
Nation(s) involved and/or conflict territory [note]
"During 1974-1982, the Thai government fought an intrastate conflict against the CPT (Communist Party of Thailand.) The CPT had originally formed during the Second World War as a local branch of the Chinese Communist Party, but only started to prepare for armed struggle in the early 1960s. During the conflict, the CPT was active in two different parts of the country; in the very north and in the very south near the border to Malaysia. In both areas, the group recruited among ethnic minorities and it upheld cross-border co-operation with communist forces in neighbouring Laos and the CPM (Communist Party of Malaysia) respectively."
Source: Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 2014-08-24) UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia, Uppsala University
Article about CPT on Wikipedia:
his is a minor intrastate conflict between the Governement of Thailand and the Communist Party of Thailand.
"During 1974-1982, the Thai government fought an intrastate conflict against the CPT (Communist Party of Thailand.) The CPT had originally formed during the Second World War as a local branch of the Chinese Communist Party, but only started to prepare for armed struggle in the early 1960s. During the conflict, the CPT was active in two different parts of the country; in the very north and in the very south near the border to Malaysia. In both areas, the group recruited among ethnic minorities and it upheld cross-border co-operation with communist forces in neighbouring Laos and the CPM (Communist Party of Malaysia) respectively."
Source: Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 2014-08-24) UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia, Uppsala University
Article about CPT on Wikipedia:
Data Sources
[1] Battle deaths: PRIO Battle Deaths Dataset v3.0 (link) (1946-88) ID: #43
Low: 3,415 High: 8,814
NOTE! Nation data for this war may be inconlusive or incomplete. In most cases it reflects which nations were involved with troops in this war, but in some it may instead reflect the contested territory.
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