The city that surrounds and almost encloses the main Unimune building is characterized by everyday life in contrast to the official life that tend to dominate Unimune’s institutions. It is inspired by arabic cities where the courtyards rather than the streets tends to dominate city life. The city was an addition to the brief by Raumlabor and first proposed as a refuge for war veterans from all over the world.
The city has since become a more multifaceted urban environment (veterans still populate one of its zones). In other areas we find housing for students and staff, a campus, offices for various organisations that cooperates with Unimune and public facilities of many sorts including restaurants and shops. Several of Unimune’s satellite facilities are located at the city’s perimeter, for example the museum’s external galleries that show temporary exhibitions, the data collection centre, a research centre, satellites to the negotiation centre and the university and other facilities such as a sports centre.
Dominant activities in various areas
Staff housing (A)
Veterans’ quarter (B)
Public functions (C)
NGO:s (D)
University facilities (E)
Campus (F)
Negotiations (G)
Student Housing (H)
UN/National orgs. (I)
Sattellite facilities to Unimune’s institutions and
other buildings
1. Unimune lobby
2. Museum Galleries
3. Data collection
4. Research
5. Sports facility
6. Negotiation facility
7. House of organisations
next: Unimune - University, Museum and Negotiations >
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