Where are my comments?
By: Jon Brunberg | posted: 2/10/2013 9:33:57 PM
In my country of residency, Sweden, there has recently been a heated debate about the less flattering ways, to put it mildly, in which some internet users use commenting functions on blogs and social media to mock, threathen or spew hate over their antagonists. So it’s with a bit of hesitation that I’ve decided to upgrade the commenting system on this site to include all news and memorial articles. I must however compliment basically everyone that has commented here over the years for your respectful tone.
I must admit that I was expecting a lot of confrontation in the comment threads when I launched the site but much to my surprise there have been zero to none and rarely have I been forced to remove comments that expressed hate or disregard for others.
I’d nevertheless want to remind you of my simple policy regarding "netiquette". I ask you who wish to comment here to show respect to others opinions, history or feelings. This is a site for remembrance and not for political stand-offs, resentment or historical grudges. All comments that do not adhere to this simple principle will be removed swiftly.
I’ve decided to give the commenting function a complete overhaul by using the excellent service Disqus that has many advanced functions and moderation options. Unfortuneatly this also means that all of the old comments has to go. And it means that you need to sign in via your Facebook, Twitter, G+ or Disqus account when commenting.
You are warmly welcome to share your stories, memories or knowledge connected to the memorials presented on this site, to complete missing or correct existing information and to pay respect to the memories of your loved ones.