a memorial for all wars: the Polynational War Memorial

Online War Memorials

This is a collection of links to websites that commemorate fallen soldiers and civilian war victims, including disappearances. Most of them are "proper" memorial websites, but reports and findings of investigative commissions and NGO:s are also included. What they all have in common is that they name every killed or missing individual. Click the title to visit the site. Read more about the collection. View as sortable list.

Use the search page to find an online memorial related to a specific country or conflict.


Memorial Book for killed Ukranian Servicemen in the Donbass War

3,000 names

Russo-Ukrainian War 2014-2022
by: Memory Book
Language: Russian

Killings during assemblies in Ukraine 2014-2016

181 names

Russo-Ukrainian War 2014-2022
Language: English

Violations Documentation Centre in Syria (civilians and non-regime fatalities)

136,851 names

Syrian civil war 2011-2022
by: Violations Documentation Centre in Syria

Gallery of Martyrs in the Service of Hizballah

1,303 names

Syrian civil war 2011-2022
by: Hizballah
Language: Arabic

Missing persons in connection with the conflict in Somalia

8,042 names

Somalia Civil War 2006-2022
by: ICRC

Project Mafqood - missing people in Lybia

741 names

Libyan Civil War 2011-2017

Remembering The Ones We Lost - List of Victims in the Wars in South Sudan

5,064 names

South Sudanese Civil War 2011-2017
by: Remembering The Ones We Lost
Language: English

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism's Database of People killed by drone strikes in Pakistan

732 names

Waziristan conflict 2007-2017
by: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Language: English

Remembering The Ones We Lost - List of Victims in the Wars in South Sudan

5,064 names

Lou Nuer vs Murle (Jonglei conflict) 2006-2017
by: Remembering The Ones We Lost
Language: English

Operation TELIC: British Fatalities

179 names

Iraqi Insurgency 2004-2017
by: UK Ministry of Defence
Language: English

US Fallen Soldiers in Op Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn

4,476 names

Iraqi Insurgency 2004-2017
by: Military Times

Iraq Body Count: List of Killed Iraqi Civilians

12,275 names

Iraqi Insurgency 2004-2017
by: Iraq Body Count
Language: English

Extrajudicial killings in the war on drug cartels in Mexico

32 names

Mexican Drug War 2004-2017
by: Human Rights Watch

Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos en Coahuila

60 names

Mexican Drug War 2004-2017

Fallen Australian Soldiers in the War in Afghanistan

42 names

Afghanistan war 2001-2017
by: Australian War Memorial
Language: English

The Afghan Victim Memorial

4,049 names

Afghanistan war 2001-2017
by: Marc Herold
Language: English

US Fallen Soldiers in Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan

2,366 names

Afghanistan war 2001-2017
by: Military Times

Operations in Afghanistan: British Fatalities

454 names

Afghanistan war 2001-2017
by: UK Ministry of Defence
Language: English

Victims of the September 11 attacks

3,189 names

al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001-2017
by: Oliver

List of Victims of Bomb Attacks in London on July 7, 2005

56 names

al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001-2017
by: BBC Online

Victims of the November 9 hotel bombs in Amman

60 names

al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001-2017
by: Jordan Times
Language: English

Virtual memorial to the victims of the March 11 bombings

189 names

al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001-2017
by: El Pais
Language: English

Remember Bali, Bali 12.10.2002 Memorial Site

202 names

al-Qaida vs USA and allies 2001-2017
by: Indo.com
Language: English

An appeal of a systematically exterminated people

992 names

Russia vs Chechnyan Secessionists, the Caucasus Emirate, IS 1993-2017
by: Memorial

Photos of the victims of the Beslan massacre

305 names

Russia vs Chechnyan Secessionists, the Caucasus Emirate, IS 1993-2017
by: Voice of Beslan
Language: Russian

Hostage takers in the Beslan massacre

31 names

Russia vs Chechnyan Secessionists, the Caucasus Emirate, IS 1993-2017
by: Wikipedia

Victims of the Khojaly Massacre

508 names

Nagorno-Karabakh War 1990-2017
by: My Khojaly – My Azerbaijan
Language: English

Killings by Indian Army in Kashmir 1990-94

5,000 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Kashmir Forum for Human Rights
Language: English

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Megdhoot 1984

854 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Indian Army

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Parakram 2001-2002

2,208 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Indian Army

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Rakshak Kashmir

5,608 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Indian Army

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Vijay Kargil Kashmir 1999

533 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Indian Army
Language: English

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Vijay Kashmir

1,068 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Indian Army

Killed Kashmiri Pandits in the Vale of Kashmir 1987-1990

319 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Panun Kashmir Movement
Language: English

Killed members of lashkar-e-Toiba, Al Badr, JeM in Jammu and Kashmir 1991-2002

896 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: South Asia Terrorism Portal
Language: English

Pakistani Army Martyrs in Kashmir 1999

472 names

Indian-Pakistani Dispute and Intrastate Insurgency in Kashmir 1984-2017
by: Pakistani Army
Language: English

Martyrs of Kurdish People´s Party (PKK)

2,574 names

Turkey Gov vs Kurdistan Guerilla (PPK) 1984-2017
by: PKK

Amnesty International report Sudan, Darfur Conflict

127 names

Sudan Government vs Militias 1983-2017
by: Amnesty International

Fatalities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1987

10,963 names

Israel vs Palestine 1949-2017
by: B’Tselem
Language: English

Martyrs of Ezzedeen Al Quassam Brigades

552 names

Israel vs Palestine 1949-2017
by: Ezzedeen Al Quassam Brigades
Language: English

Killed Palestinians and Israelis in the 2014 Gaza War

1,889 names

Israel vs Palestine 1949-2017
by: al-Jazeera

Partial List of Ogadeni Civilians Killed in Recent Operations by ONLF

69 names

Ethiopian Govt vs Ogadeni Rebels - WSLF/ONLF/AIAI 1976-2016
by: US Government
Language: English

Sindicalistas Colombianos Asesinados 2000

67 names

Colombia Govt vs Guerillas Farc and ELN 1964-2016
by: Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights
Language: Spanish

MOVICE/Nunca Más: Memoría de Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad (Colombia)

3,705 names

Colombia Govt vs Guerillas Farc and ELN 1964-2016
by: Nunca Más, MOVICE
Language: English

Executed political prisoners in Iran 1980-88

15,188 names

Iran vs rebel groups (MEK,PJAK etc) 1979-2011
by: Iran Tribunal
Language: English

People unlawfully killed and disappeared by the state, MRTA and Sendero Luminoso in Peru 1980-2000

18,397 names

Peruvian Gvt vs Sendero Luminoso and MRTA 1965-2010
by: Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación
Language: Spanish

The List of 240 Eelam Tamil Black Tiger Martyrs

240 names

Sri Lankan Govt vs Tamil Militants (LTTE) 1984-2009
by: Tamil Nation

LTTE leaders killed during encounters with security forces in Sri Lanka, 2001-2009 (SATP)

146 names

Sri Lankan Govt vs Tamil Militants (LTTE) 1984-2009
by: South Asia Terrorism Portal

Prominent Political Leaders Assassinated by The LTTE (SATP)

47 names

Sri Lankan Govt vs Tamil Militants (LTTE) 1984-2009
by: South Asia Terrorism Portal

Victims of the Gatumba massacre

165 names

Burundi Civil War 1991-2008
by: Abatutsi
Language: French

Nepal - Missing: The Right To Know

1,343 names

Nepal Civil War 1996-2006
Language: English

Lebanese Army Martyrs 1945-2015

3,869 names

Southern Lebanon War 1990-2006
by: Lebanese Army
Language: Arabic

Israeli soldiers and civilians killed in 2006 Lebanon War

163 names

Southern Lebanon War 1990-2006
by: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Language: English

HRW Report: civilians and combatants killed in 2006 Lebanon War

1,109 names

Southern Lebanon War 1990-2006
by: Human Rights Watch

Victims of the first Qana massacre.

125 names

Southern Lebanon War 1990-2006
by: Rania Masri
Language: English

Gallery of Martyrs in the Service of Hizballah

1,303 names

Southern Lebanon War 1990-2006
by: Hizballah
Language: Arabic

Victims of the Bouaké and Daloa massacres

107 names

Civil War in Côte d Ivoire 2002-2004
by: Amnesty International
Language: English

Iraq Body Count: List of Killed Iraqi Civilians

12,275 names

Iraq vs US led coalition 2003-2003
by: Iraq Body Count
Language: English

US Fallen Soldiers in Op Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn

4,476 names

Iraq vs US led coalition 2003-2003
by: Military Times

Operation TELIC: British Fatalities

179 names

Iraq vs US led coalition 2003-2003
by: UK Ministry of Defence
Language: English

The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Final Report

28,042 names

Liberia Civil War 1989-2003
by: Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Language: English

Victims of the Conflict in Sierra Leone, 1991 to 2000

3,078 names

Sierra Leone Civil War 1991-2000
by: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone
Language: English

The Afghanistan Death List - Afghans killed by the state in 1978-79

4,782 names

Afghanistan Civil War 1978-2000
by: The Public Prosecution Service in The Netherlands
Language: English

Kosovo Memorybook - List of killed, missing and disappeared 1998-2000

13,549 names

Yugoslavia vs NATO Forces and UCK Guerilla 1998-1999
by: Humanitarian Law Center
Language: English

Santa Cruz Massacre in 1991

271 names

Indonesian Govt vs Fretilin - East Timor 1975-1999
by: East Timor and Indonesia Action Network

Northern Ireland, The Troubles

3,532 names

Northern Ireland, The Troubles 1971-1998
by: CAIN
Language: English

Executed political prisoners in Iran 1980-88

15,188 names

Iranian Govt vs KDPI 1966-1996
by: Iran Tribunal
Language: English

Victims of massacres in Prijedor Municipality

486 names

Bosnian Govt vs Serbian and Croatian Insurgents 1992-1995
by: International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Language: English

Victims of the Tuzla Massacre

68 names

Bosnian Govt vs Serbian and Croatian Insurgents 1992-1995
by: Gordon Cooper

Victims of the Srebrenica Massacre

8,372 names

Bosnian Govt vs Serbian and Croatian Insurgents 1992-1995
by: The Memorial Center in Potocari
Language: English

Persons unaccounted for in connection with the conflict in Bosnia & Herzegovina

9,500 names

Bosnian Govt vs Serbian and Croatian Insurgents 1992-1995
by: ICRC
Language: English

Book of Missing Persons on the Territory of the Republic of Croatia

2,138 names

Croatian Govt, irregulars vs Serbian Govt, irregulars, Rep. Krajina 1992-1995
by: ICRC
Language: English

Killed and missing persons from the territories of Republic Croatia and former Republic of Serb Krayina

7,134 names

Croatian Govt, irregulars vs Serbian Govt, irregulars, Rep. Krajina 1992-1995
by: D.I.C. Veritas
Language: English

The Historical Clarification Commission

42,275 names

Guatemalan Civil War 1965-1995
by: Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico
Language: English

Report of the genocide in Nyarugunga Sector

402 names

Rwanda Civil War and Genocide 1990-1994
by: Gacaca courts
Language: English

Punjab Police Force Martyrs

1,177 names

Indian Govt vs Sikh insurgents 1983-1993
by: Punjab Police Force
Language: English

Victims of the Air India bombing in 1985

329 names

Indian Govt vs Sikh insurgents 1983-1993
by: Canada.com
Language: English

Victims of the bombing of the al-Amiriyah Shelter

400 names

First Gulf War 1990-1991

Online memorials to US Gulf War Soldiers

382 names

First Gulf War 1990-1991
Language: English

Victims of the civil war in El Salvador

30,011 names

El Salvador Gvt vs FMLN Guerrillas 1979-1991
by: The Truth Commission for El Salvador
Language: Spanish

List of victims of the Sabra and Shatila Massacres

1,390 names

Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990
by: Bayan Nuwayhed al-Hout / Lebanese University
Language: English

The Beirut Memorial On Line

277 names

Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990
by: Jeff Hamman
Language: English

Assyrian martyrs of the Lebanese Civil War

38 names

Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990
by: Various academic institutions

Lebanese Army Martyrs 1945-2015

3,869 names

Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990
by: Lebanese Army
Language: Arabic

Gallery of Martyrs in the Service of Hizballah

1,303 names

Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990
by: Hizballah
Language: Arabic

Killed Indian Army Soldiers in Op. Pawan on Sri Lanka

1,135 names

Sri Lanka Govt vs JVP 1971-1990
by: Indian Army

List of disappeared Saharans in West Sahara since 1975.

170 names

Western Sahara War 1975-1989
by: Desaparecidos
Language: Spanish

Executed political prisoners in Iran 1980-88

15,188 names

Iran vs Iraq 1980-1988
by: Iran Tribunal
Language: English

Roll of Honor, South African Defence Force

2,013 names

Namibia vs South Africa 1966-1988
by: Just Done Productions

Roll of Honour - Falklands War 1982 Deaths

260 names

Falklands War 1982-1982
by: Roll-of-Honour.com
Language: English

CESCEM - Listas de muertos y desaparecidos en Malvinas

639 names

Falklands War 1982-1982
Language: Spanish

Rhodesian Roll of Honour

1,889 names

Rhodesian Government vs ZANU,ZAPU,PF 1967-1979
by: Chas Lotter
Language: English

Csqn Rhodesian SAS, Roll of Honour

41 names

Rhodesian Government vs ZANU,ZAPU,PF 1967-1979
by: C Squadron SAS Regiment

In Memory of the killed and disappeared in Argentina’s Dirty War

10,849 names

Argentina: Civil War and Dirty War 1974-1977
by: Grupo Farenheit/Project Disappeared
Language: Spanish

Memorial for Victims of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

755 names

Chinese Cultural Revolution 1967-1976
by: Youqin Wang / University of Chicago

Fallen Australian Soldiers in the Vietnam War

521 names

Vietnam War 1965-1975
by: Australian War Memorial
Language: English

Virtual Vietnam War Memorials

58,200 names

Vietnam War 1965-1975
by: Zoomify

Disappeared in Chile

1,188 names

Chilean MIlitary Coup 1973-1973
by: Proyecto Internacional de Derechos Humanos
Language: Spanish

Executed Political Prisoners in Chile

1,721 names

Chilean MIlitary Coup 1973-1973
by: Proyecto Internacional de Derechos Humanos

Dhaka University Massacre 1971 – a list of killed students and staff

105 names

Bangladesh War 1971-1971
by: Several Sources
Language: English

List of martyred intellectuals

106 names

Bangladesh War 1971-1971
by: genocidebangladesh.org
Language: English

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Cactus Lily

5,044 names

Bangladesh War 1971-1971
by: Indian Army

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Ablaze

78 names

Second Kashmir War 1964-1971
by: Indian Army

Indian Army: Memorial for fallen soldiers, Op. Riddle

2,725 names

Second Kashmir War 1964-1971
by: Indian Army

Victims of the Asaba massacre

373 names

Nigerian Civil War 1967-1970
by: University of South Florida

The Genocide Papers

27 names

Nigerian Civil War 1967-1970
by: Ekwe Nche Research Institute
Language: English

Indian Army: Memorial for Fallen Army Soldiers

3,602 names

Sino-Indian War 1962-1962
by: Indian Army

Killed and missing persons in the Oran Massacre

153 names

Algerian War of Independece 1954-1962
by: lleGenevičve de Ternant et Hervé Cuesta

Lebanese Army Martyrs 1945-2015

3,869 names

First Lebanese War 1958-1958
by: Lebanese Army
Language: Arabic

Fallen Australian Soldiers in Malayan Civil War

39 names

Malayan Civil War 1948-1957
by: Australian War Memorial
Language: English

Roll of Honor: British and Commonwealth personell in the Suez Crisis

702 names

Sinai War 1956-1956
by: Charlie Delta (Suez Canal Zone Veteran)
Language: English

Fallen Australian Soldiers in the Korea War

340 names

Korean War 1949-1953
by: Australian War Memorial
Language: English

British Casualties in the Korean War

1,078 names

Korean War 1949-1953
by: roll-of-honour.com
Language: English

The Korean War Project, US casualties

36,653 names

Korean War 1949-1953
by: The Korean War Project

Palestine 1945-1948 - British Deaths

911 names

Civil War in Mandatory Palestine 1947-1948
by: Roll-of-honour.com
Language: English