Update Log 2018
By: Jon Brunberg | posted: 7/21/2018 3:47:03 PM
It's time for the annual update of databases and functions, and as usual the update will proceed in steps. This article is a log of the changes and will be updated continously.
June 23, 2018
A new theme have been added to the war database titled Postcolonial wars in Rwanda and Burundi. The wars in this theme include the numerous intrastate wars along ethnic lines that have plagued Rwanda and Burundi in the years running up to and since their independence from colonial rule.
The following articles in the above mentioned thime have been added or completely rewritten:
Rwandan Social Revolution 1959-1961 (new)
First Rwanda Civil War 1963-1964
Rebellion and killings in Burundi 1972-1973
Rwanda Civil War and Genocide 1990-1994
Burundi Civil War 1993-2008
August 2, 2018
The list of wars since 1900 has been updated with the latest fatality data from UCDP in the state, non-state and onesided violence categories. There will be minor edits and corrections to the data in the days to come.
A handful of new articles will be added to the list of wars. These are a few non-state wars that was not added to the list in the past, new conflicts that reached a level of war in 2016-2017 and conflicts that have been recategorized.
New conflict added 2/8/2018: Political Violence during South Africa's post-apartheid transition.
New conflict added 5/8/2018: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant