a memorial for all wars: the Polynational War Memorial
News Archive: News Articles

This page lists all news articles that have been published for this project.

Update Log 2024
by: Jon Brunberg | 2024-02-24 15:05:16

It's time to initiate the update log for the updates of databases and functions. It's a process that will be made in steps and may go on for some time.

Updated Donation Page
by: Jon Brunberg | 2024-01-04 12:19:48

The PayPal donation page for the Polynational War Memorial project has been updated.

Update Log 2018
by: Jon Brunberg | 2018-07-21 15:47:03

It's time for the annual update of the databases and functions at this site, and as usual the update will proceed in steps. This article is a log of the changes and will be updated continously..

War Database Update Log 2017
by: Jon Brunberg | 2017-06-04 12:50:27

The update of the war database has commenced and will continue for the month of June 2017.

Mobile-friendly website in the making!
by: Jon Brunberg | 2016-08-23 17:13:05

Since around 25% of you who visit this website use smaller screens or mobile phones, according to my visitor tracker, it's about time that you'll get a better browsing experience.

Minryung Son's Timeline of Wars in History
by: Jon Brunberg | 2016-08-02 20:08:24

by: Jon Brunberg | 2016-07-11 11:38:30

Right before christmas last year this website had to be relocated to a new server. Things happened in the process.

New conflict data from UCDP
by: Jon Brunberg | 2014-06-21 14:05:12

In the middle of June Uppsala University’s Conflict Data Program (UCDP) released therir latest datasets for armed conflicts and battle-deaths including data for 2012.

How many wars has each nation fought?
by: Jon Brunberg | 2014-03-15 12:09:14

Snapshots of a reworked Master Plan
by: Jon Brunberg | 2013-11-25 18:25:32

A greatly improved master plan for the Polynational War Memorial is currently being produced and I’m proud to present a couple of snapshots from the ongoing work.

The list of wars since 1900 just got longer
by: Jon Brunberg | 2013-08-01 22:21:59

New data from UCDP for 2012
by: Jon Brunberg | 2013-07-26 12:20:09

Where are my comments?
by: Jon Brunberg | 2013-02-10 21:33:57

New Video: Full Interview with Peter Tonkin
by: Jon Brunberg | 2009-09-02 01:00:00

This is the full interview with Peter Tonkin of TZG Architects in Sydney that was made in 2003.

Introducing the memorial-by-country map
by: Jon Brunberg | 2009-08-15 01:00:00

We´re now introducing the nifty memorial-by-country map that allows you to find a list of memorials for a specific country by clicking on it on a map.

Excerpt from Part 3: the Interfaith Centre
by: Jon Brunberg | 2009-05-03 01:00:00

You can now view an excerpt from the video "Polynational War Memorial, Part 3: the Interfaith Centre". The Quicktime player is needed to view the video.

2nd design project: the Unimune
by: Jon Brunberg | 2008-09-27 01:00:00

WANÅS 2008: Loss
by: Jon Brunberg | 2008-05-12 01:00:00

Presentation of the Interfaith Centre
by: Jon Brunberg | 2008-01-15 01:00:00

I´m happy to announce that the first of the design commissions for the Polynational War Memorial will be presented at the art festival Node.Stockholm in Stockholm Jan 15 - Feb 15.

Design phase 2 and 3: Main Memorial and UniMuNe
by: Jon Brunberg | 2007-05-14 01:00:00

The architect group Servo's Stockholm office was commissioned to design the main memorial for the Polynational War Memorial, and delivered an exciting design proposal in April 2007.

Workshop at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen April 20
by: Jon Brunberg | 2007-04-13 01:00:00

The Polynational War Memorial project will be the the theme for a one-day workshop for master students in fine arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen.

Website updates
by: Jon Brunberg | 2007-01-06 01:00:00

As you may already have noticed we have updated the website's interface and added one new section to the web site.

In the press: A10 Magazine
by: Jon Brunberg | 2006-11-06 01:00:00

The Amsterdam based architecture magazine A10 has published an article about the Polynational War Memorial written by its Sweden correspondent Claes Sörstedt.

The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews Open for the Public
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-05-12 01:00:00

More Images from The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews in Berlin
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-05-12 01:00:00

A series of images from the opening day of the memorial.

The 8 of May in Berlin: Day of Victory, Liberation or Defeat
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-05-09 01:00:00

The 60 th Anniversary of WWII in Berlin
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-05-06 01:00:00

Vietnam Celebrates 30 Years since the end of the War with the US
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-04-30 01:00:00

Celebration ceremonies were taking place all over Vietnam today as the country remembers the end of the war with the US thirty years ago.

90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-04-26 01:00:00

by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-04-24 01:00:00

The well-known US activist Marla Ruzicka was honoured at a memorial service in Lakeport, California on Saturday the 23d.

Images from Anti War Demonstration in Stockholm March 19
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-19 01:00:00

Demonstrations and manifestations in protest against the US led coalition's occupation in Iraq were held in many cities all around the world on the second anniversary of the invasion on March 19 2003.

by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-17 01:00:00

This was press release was sent to us on Thursday 17th March 2005. The release can be read in its whole at www.iraqbodycount.

by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-16 01:00:00

Nw death toll figures have been estimated by the UN and other bodies regarding in the war in Sudan's Darfur region .

Counting the dead is intrinsic to civilised society.
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-16 01:00:00

The death toll in the war in Darfur underestimated
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-10 01:00:00

Anniversary of Madrid Terror Bombings
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-03-09 01:00:00

60th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Concentration Camps
by: Jon Brunberg | 2005-01-28 01:00:00

The world commemorated yesterday January 27 the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps by the Soviet armed forces.

IRC Survey Estimates 3,8 Million Dead in Congo Civil War
by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-12-28 01:00:00

Holocaust Memorial in Berlin finished after years of debate
by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-12-17 01:00:00

17. Dezember 2004 By Michael Jeismann Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung The last steles of the central Holocaust Memorial in Berlin were erected on Wednesday.

Divisions over Iraq war delay a soldier's tribute
by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-12-13 01:00:00

This article is from USA Today 12/13/2004.

by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-12-04 01:00:00

The perhaps best blog I've found that tries to give an overview of what is happening in Iraq on a daily basis is Today in Iraq.

by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-11-16 01:00:00

Blogging is an increasingly popular phenomenon on the internet.

by: | 2004-10-13 01:00:00

by: Jon Brunberg | 2004-10-13 01:00:00

by: | 2004-04-06 01:00:00

The official opening of the Kigali memorial center will be on April 6 in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.


Feature stories
News articles
Article series



rss 2.0 feed News
rss 2.0 feed Memorials



1. Le Mémorial in Caen - Narratives of War and Peace | 2009-11-18
2. The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews Open for the Public | 2005-05-12
3. Holocaust Memorial: Architect Peter Eisenman, Berlin 2005 | 2005-09-21
4. Nationsöverskridande minnesmonument i Irakkriget | 2004-12-28
5. Att räkna de dödade - Iraq Body Count | 2004-12-28
6. Divisions over Iraq war delay a soldier's tribute | 2004-12-13
7. More Images from The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews in Berlin | 2005-05-12
8. The 60 th Anniversary of WWII in Berlin | 2005-05-06
9. Memorials are After All Only Symbolic Works of Art | 2005-05-22
10. Counting the Dead - The Iraq Body Count Project | 2004-12-28



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