Update Log 2024
by: Jon Brunberg | 2024-02-24 15:05:16
It's time to initiate the update log for the updates of databases and functions. It's a process that will be made in steps and may go on for some time.
This page lists all news articles that have been published for this project.
It's time to initiate the update log for the updates of databases and functions. It's a process that will be made in steps and may go on for some time.
The PayPal donation page for the Polynational War Memorial project has been updated.
It's time for the annual update of the databases and functions at this site, and as usual the update will proceed in steps. This article is a log of the changes and will be updated continously..
The update of the war database has commenced and will continue for the month of June 2017.
Right before christmas last year this website had to be relocated to a new server. Things happened in the process.
In the middle of June Uppsala University’s Conflict Data Program (UCDP) released therir latest datasets for armed conflicts and battle-deaths including data for 2012.
A greatly improved master plan for the Polynational War Memorial is currently being produced and I’m proud to present a couple of snapshots from the ongoing work.
The official opening of the Kigali memorial center will be on April 6 in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.
Feature stories
News articles
Article series
1. Le Mémorial in Caen - Narratives of War and Peace | 2009-11-18
2. The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews Open for the Public | 2005-05-12
3. Holocaust Memorial: Architect Peter Eisenman, Berlin 2005 | 2005-09-21
4. Nationsöverskridande minnesmonument i Irakkriget | 2004-12-28
5. Att räkna de dödade - Iraq Body Count | 2004-12-28
6. Divisions over Iraq war delay a soldier's tribute | 2004-12-13
7. More Images from The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews in Berlin | 2005-05-12
8. The 60 th Anniversary of WWII in Berlin | 2005-05-06
9. Memorials are After All Only Symbolic Works of Art | 2005-05-22
10. Counting the Dead - The Iraq Body Count Project | 2004-12-28
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