Learning by numbers
by: Jon Brunberg | 2016-07-31 23:19:26
This summer's quite comprehensive refurbishing of this website is drawing to a close.
This page lists all editorials that have been published for this project.
This summer's quite comprehensive refurbishing of this website is drawing to a close.
I’m happy to be able to announce that the long overdue update of the war database has begun.
A look in the rear mirror on the events and developments of the Polynational War Memorial in 2014.
The annual update of the war database is now underway. Many articles are ”stubs” as they call it over at Wikipedia: they need more information.
It’s spring here in Stockholm, finally, and thus time to polish the silverware and sweep out the dustballs. Over the last couple of weeks you may have noticed a few changes.
A short chronicle of the Polynational War Memorial in 2013.
Since the list of wars since 1900 was updated this August, it has been linked to numerous times and is at this moment the most visited page on this website.
Feature stories
News articles
Article series
1. Le Mémorial in Caen - Narratives of War and Peace | 2009-11-18
2. The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews Open for the Public | 2005-05-12
3. Holocaust Memorial: Architect Peter Eisenman, Berlin 2005 | 2005-09-21
4. Nationsöverskridande minnesmonument i Irakkriget | 2004-12-28
5. Att räkna de dödade - Iraq Body Count | 2004-12-28
6. Divisions over Iraq war delay a soldier's tribute | 2004-12-13
7. More Images from The Memorial to Europe's Murdered Jews in Berlin | 2005-05-12
8. The 60 th Anniversary of WWII in Berlin | 2005-05-06
9. Memorials are After All Only Symbolic Works of Art | 2005-05-22
10. Counting the Dead - The Iraq Body Count Project | 2004-12-28
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