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Algerian War of Independece

Years: 1954-1962
Battle deaths: 184,886 [1]

Nation(s) involved and/or conflict territory [note]
France, Algeria

Published prior to 2013 | Updated: 2014-08-25 11:23:54
The Algerian War of Independence (1954–62) was a period of guerrilla strikes, maquis fighting, terrorism against civilians on both sides, and riots between the French army and colonists in Algeria and the FLN ((Front de Libération Nationale) and other pro-independence Algerians. Although the French government of the time considered all Algerian violence, including violence against the French military, to be crimes or terrorism, some French people, such as former anti-Nazi guerrilla and lawyer Jacques Verges have compared French resistance to Nazi German occupation to Algerian resistance to French occupation.

The struggle was touched off by the Front de Libération Nationale (or FLN), an organization of Algerian nationalists in Algeria and in exile. The FLN started its struggle in 1954, only two years before France was forced to give up its control over Tunisia and Morocco.

The FLN’s main Algerian rival — with the same goal of Algerian independence — was the later National Algerian Movement (Mouvement National Algérien, MNA) whose main supporters were Algerian workers in France. The FLN and MNA fought against each other in France, and sometimes in Algeria, for nearly the full duration of the conflict.

Source: Wikipedia, published under the GNU FDL. Retrieved [dat]

Intrastate conflict in France

When finally France opened peace-negotiations in 1961, the OAS (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète; Secret Army Organization) formed by members of the French Army violently attempted to disrupt the peace process. Despite this intrastate conflict in France, Algeria was granted independence in 1962.

Source: Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 2014-08-25) UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia, Uppsala University


Data Sources

[1] Battle deaths: PRIO Battle Deaths Dataset v3.0 (link) (1946-88) ID: #49 #73
Low: 102,000 High: 455,453

Matthew White: 537,000 mil. and civ. deaths link

More about sources


NOTE! Nation data for this war may be inconlusive or incomplete. In most cases it reflects which nations were involved with troops in this war, but in some it may instead reflect the contested territory.



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