Indian Govt vs Maoist Guerillas
Battle deaths: 6,022 [1]
Onesided violence: 2,142 [2]
Nation(s) involved and/or conflict territory [note]
UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia
Since independence in 1947, India has seen several episodes of violent conflict waged by different communist groups. In 1948-1951, fighting between CPI (Communist Party of India) and government forces reached the intensity of a civil war, and in 1969-1971 CPI-ML (Communist Party of India-Marxist-Leninist) launched an armed struggle. Since the 1990s, the active groups have been PWG (People's War Group), and MCC (Maoist Communist Centre), merging in 2004 to form CPI-Maoist (Communist Party of India-Maoist). The rebels are often referred to as the Naxalite movement.
The conflict remained active in 2013. The Maoists continued to prepare ambushes and IEDs for patrolling Indian security forces throughout rural regions of eastern and central India. Indian law enforcement and paramilitary forces, in turn, continued to conduct raids into Maoist territory. Maoists captured national media attention in January by planting an IED in the abdomen of a dead Indian soldier after a particularly lethal ambush. Generally, however, 2013 witnessed less violence than any year since 2005, and marks a continuing, gradual decline in conflict intensity.
Source: Uppsala Conflict Data Program (Date of retrieval: 2014-08-15) UCDP Conflict Encyclopedia, Uppsala University
Data Sources
[1] Battle deaths: UCDP Battle-Related Deaths Dataset v. 5-2017 (link) (1989-2017) #227
Low: 5,822 High: 6,926
[2] UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset v. 1.4-2017 (link) including actors: / PWG / MCC / CPI-Maoist / PLFI
Low: 2,002 High: 2,345
NOTE! Nation data for this war may be inconlusive or incomplete. In most cases it reflects which nations were involved with troops in this war, but in some it may instead reflect the contested territory.
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