a memorial for all wars: the Polynational War Memorial


Wars since 1900

A list of all wars in the 20th and 21st centuries, based on data by COW, Prio and UCDP. See the source page or the FAQ for more information. See the new stats page for a summary of casualty data and nation-based stats. And get a preview of the experimental timeline of all wars since 1900. What's new? Check the update logs for 2018, 2017 and 2016 .

Post-Colonial Civil Wars in Africa

Name of War   Years   Fatalities Type Mem. Note
Sectarian Conflict in the Central African Republic 2012 - 2022 12,531 1 U
Somalia Civil War 2006 - 2022 33,784 1 [1] U
South Sudanese Civil War 2011 - 2017 7,483 1 [1] U
Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroon vs Boko Haram (ISWAP) 2009 - 2017 29,363 1 U
Kivu Conflict 2004 - 2017 13,192 1 U
Sudan Government vs Militias 1983 - 2017 100,820 1 [1] U
Uganda Civil War 1980 - 2017 129,047 1 [1] U
Ethiopia vs Oromia rebels (OLF) 1977 - 2017 3,432 1 [1] U
Mozambique Govt vs RENAMO and FRELIMO 1977 - 2016 115,914 1 U
Ethiopian Govt vs Ogadeni Rebels - WSLF/ONLF/AIAI 1976 - 2016 23,432 1 [1] U
Chad Civil War 1966 - 2010 36,078 1 U
Burundi Civil War 1991 - 2008 19,552 1 [2] U
Civil War in Côte d Ivoire 2002 - 2004 1,472 1 [1] U
Ituri Conflict 1999 - 2004 12,494 2 U
Liberia Civil War 1989 - 2003 23,249 1 [2] U
First and Second Congo Wars 1996 - 2002 80,018 1 [1] U
Congo Brazzaville Civil War 1993 - 2002 15,541 1 [1]
Angolan Gvt vs UNITA Guerilla 1975 - 2002 114,898 1 [1]
Sierra Leone Civil War 1991 - 2000 20,157 1 [2] U
Political Violence during South Africa's post-apartheid transition 1989 - 1998 4,556 3 [2] U
Hunde and allies vs Hutu, Banyarwanda 1993 - 1996 4,303 2 U
Rwanda Civil War and Genocide 1990 - 1994 507,754 1 [4] U
Ethiopian Government vs EPRDF 1976 - 1991 56,003 1 U
Ethiopia vs Eritrean Separatists ELF/EPLF 1964 - 1991 168,510 1 U
South African Government vs African National Congress 1981 - 1988 4,087 1 U
Rhodesian Government vs ZANU,ZAPU,PF 1967 - 1979 27,080 1 [3]
Rebellion and killings in Burundi 1972 - 1972 152,000 1 U
Sudan Government vs Insurgents 1963 - 1972 10,000 1
Nigerian Civil War 1967 - 1970 75,000 1 [2]
Congo Crisis 1960 - 1965 7,175 1 [2]
First Rwanda Civil War 1963 - 1964 21,000 1 U
Rwandan Social Revolution 1959 - 1962 10,000 3 U
Cameroonian Govt vs UPC 1960 - 1961 60,000 1


Note about search on a specific nation: results produced by this feature are incomplete and inconsistent and should be seen as a means to narrow down the list rather than anything else. Work is being done to correct mistakes and standardize the parameters. At the bottom of the list of countries are some nations that do not exist in a similar form today.

Note about search on a specific year: "ongoing armed conflict" does not imply that all of the conflicts presented for a specific year should be classified as war.

Note about search on a specific time period: finds all wars that started after a specific year (1st search parameter) and ended before a specific year (2nd param).

Note about categories: this new feature is currently being tested and the content of these categories may be incomplete or inconsistent. More categories will be added in the future.